

Before writing this post, I thought I had everything planned out but the moment I sat down, I realized I have no idea on what I want to write about. 2015? My accomplishments in 2015? My grievances from 2015? Advice to teenagers like me? Maybe I’ll write something like that in the near future, when I think that I’m slightly more suitable to give advice.

To me, 2015 is a very special year to me since I’m at my first year of Junior College (and thankfully moving on to my second year next year). This whole experience had been very different for me since I never knew what to expect for JC life. When someone tells you about their experience in JC, I don’t even think it will do reality justice. Or maybe I’m just biased towards the fact my JC life is very tormenting? Not that it isn’t fun at all, but I guess most of your time and spirit is all cast into JC life -studying, balancing time between home and school and social life (not really much of a social life actually). All the plans you’ve made before 2015, goes down the drain because there is absolutely no time for them. Perhaps there is, but school just sucks the energy out of you, and all you want, is to have a good rest and to continue studying. Sounds pretty zombie-like to me. Even during the end of school holidays, I found myself procrastinating every chance I have, which is almost every single minute of my life, catching up on TV shows while munching on potato chips.

But really, its quite sad and meaningless to me since I felt like the walking dead (like LITERALLY). I’ll probably be updating more in 2016, maybe 2016 Resolutions etc or even I don’t know, posting random stuff. Just wanted to try out some blogging to see how everything goes. Who knows, maybe I’ll find my interest from it?

Seeya in a couple of days!








Hypocrisy is human nature.

I used to think that hypocrisy is a human condition, however over the years, I’ve realised that it is what we are borned with, it’s deep inside us regardless of us wanting to admit it or not. In fact, by writing this very post, is a sign of my hypocrisy .

What is hypocrisy?

Hypocrisy :

the practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case

No matter how much you try to deny it, you can’t erase the fact that you might think differently -actually, much more highly- of yourself in your head whenever someone makes a casual remark about their accomplishments. Alright, maybe that’s not the best example of hypocrisy.

Anyway, I should probably start on why I was so adament on writing and publishing this post even though I was unable to thoroughly process my thoughts properly and putting them down in words.

So, it all started when I was in school today. Let’s have this friend named Ahow original – and no offense, but we’re are really good friends and no I don’t feel guilty for talking about A here since I’m not badmouthing A or anything. I’m just trying to make a point and rant a little. Right, back to the subject.

So we have this project and A kept complaining about how frustrated A was at the teacher and at everything? Actually it was totally cool but there should be a limit to complaining?
A complained about the fact that our teacher wasn’t marking our project fast enough and the comments were repetitive and A kept going on about the fast that our teacher was pushing A off a cliff yada yada. Nope, that wasn’t A’s exact words. But you get the idea. But that wasn’t all. A continues to talk about our friends, especially about another guy A hates a lot- which is still cool to me because honestly you don’t have to like every single person on earth. However, I just can’t get over the fact that this cycle goes on for days or even months?

I know college life is horrendous, like really the schedules are messed up, there’s too much drama going on, tons of unfinished homework and assignments, deprivation of sleep, endless studying with a lack of social life and the list goes on.



Life can’t be always smooth-sailing.

I correct myself.

Life is never smooth-sailing. There is bound to be obstacles here and there. This is what makes us strong.

Besides, a teacher has a life as well. I don’t really expect them to sit in front of their laptops, waiting expectantly for us to hand in our assignments. Yes, they might have told us to hand it in on a specific date and time. Is that why they should return the favour by marking it immediately and giving it back to us?


Do you seriously think that every single group will hand in on time? Even if they do, teachers are not obliged to put their private lives aside for us. Period.

See what I mean about hypocrisy? I’m complaining about A complaining which totally sucks. But I really needed this and I’m glad I had said everything I wanted to.

If you had stumbled here accidentally and ended up finish reading my rant, well good for you and have a nice day while I get back to Math and Chemistry and Hamlet…

No regrets.

Growing up

Has anyone ever thought about what will happen when we grow up? I don’t mean like the usual stuff- getting a job, meeting your boyfriend or girlfriend/future husband or wife, starting a family… I meant the change in us, which takes place probably in 1 or 2 years time or maybe longer or perhaps right after finishing school and getting our degrees.
Continue reading Growing up